Sunday, February 27, 2011

Honda Xlr 125 Tuning Parts

WHEN TABAYOUS relocate ...

When Tabayous relocate their training, it also gives great time!
From 8 pm to 30 appointments were taken at our guests Maria Theresa and Jacques , all crowned with their new title of grandparents with the arrival of Elena . Congratulations to the whole family!
Branch of the leisure ' Hostens .
Brigitte rode his mountain bike riders plunged into jog in the woods around the lake. Cultural minute with President which made us a little lecture on the constitution of the said lake, and Didier that (s') displayed his knowledge, showing a very realistic and visual, the French expression, "take (a) root" ...
Finally, an output of just over 1 h 30 on soft ground, with nice bumps. 3 'of rain, cool temperatures but ideal for running.
Back at our hosts for a hearty meal. Again, no cases of dehydration have been reported ...
A relocation could bring others? The photos
is HERE.


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