Sunday, February 27, 2011

Expired License Military Ohio


Tabayous They were everywhere this weekend of 26 and 27 February. Besides the exit "relocated" to Hostens you could find them Bassens, Pujols Saucats. All distances from 5 to 24 km road trail! And more podium for a few!

Summary :

10 km Bassens :
Pascale 45'33 first V2
Patrick F . 45'44
Barjot Enduro Trail 24 km :
Magali 2 h 49 '11 "
Sylvie 3 h 28' 29"
Saucats 10 km Francis 41 ' 55 third V3
Saucats 5 km : Jacques 24'08
Monique 28'32 first V3
Maria Theresa 28'59 third V2
photos on Jogphoto33 and Courir33 .


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