Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Freezing Point Of Plastic Pipe


The traditional cake earlier this year has been offered by the Club. After an hour of jogging, it has been eaten by the score of these tossed with cider. The Occasions
to welcome Genevieve , Thierry and Gerard our recent recruits ! A studious
cake this year since it was also time to take stock of the event 2011: moving from 28 to Tabayous Berlin Marathon !
Remember that "new year" rhymes with "grab your checkbooks! And yes, it's time to set dues and treasurer love your favorite!

Beautiful cakes!

The bean to Marcel?

Coach and Treasurer to the study of the flight plan for Berlin ...

Thierry and Gerard, new recruits, carefully studying the internal rules!

to the President, Genevieve, reinforces the number of women Tabayous.


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