Sunday, December 5, 2010

Where Can I Get Tinker Bell Cake Toppers


Many people, as usual for these 10 km Arcachon this December 5. Fresh breeze, but weather conditions very acceptable. An event which each year serves as a support for Grand Challenge being waged, though friendly, some of our gladiators Tabayous. The announcer Denis
Garros having formalized the thing before the thousands of presents (!), He had only run for 10 km is a nice route , snack legs in its second party. In keeping
camouflage pink flashy, on arrival in the arena the night before, nothing was done to reverse Jacus favorite which needed almost 2 minutes ahead of its competitors, ceinturion Lionel , scouts and Legionnaires Francis, Bernard B . and Rene having cleared the road.
The rest of the cast was very well behaved, with the encouragement of Magali , Micheline and Sylvie .
Sylvie, who had raced the day before the telethon Bouliac. All
ended around a good table , with glorious fighters who fought were not sent to the lions ...

Click on photo to go to the photo album (Photo Charles B on jogphoto33 and Club Canejan).

Sylvie Telethon Bouliac (photo B. Lucant).

The times : Lionel Rene 43'55 43'58 Francis and Bernard B . 43'59 Jacques 44'49 Domi R. 46'56 Bernard F . 47'04 47'58 Michel Patrick F . Marcel 48'17 48'19 49'45 Patricia Bernard M . 51'00 Monique 54'51 Domi MB. 55'13 Maria Theresa 01/01/2000

Bouliac, 8 km Sylvie 41'35


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