Saturday, March 15, 2008

What To Do With Oversized Cashmere Sweaters

Talis Qualis, yet Tales of the jury room From Gerald Griffin

This link takes you to the text of one of the most amazing collections of Irish stories, organized into a narrative framework:

Talis Qualis, yet Tales of the jury room From Gerald Griffin : "% 20a% 20href =% 20http% 3A% 2F% 3Fid% 2Fbooks = 68EBAAAAQAAJ & ots = & dq = k9u0JwOFFI Talis Qualis +% 3A + Gold% 2C + Tales + of + the + Jury + Room & pg = PA77 & ci = 49% 2C1303% 2C855% 2C83 & source = bookclip% 20% 3E% 20img% 20src =% 20http% 3A% 2F% 3Fid% 2Fbooks = & pg = PA77 68EBAAAAQAAJ & img = 1 & zoom = 3 & hl = en & sig = M7sZqrmKRs3F2GhfhMxRkQ7qeA0 & ci = 49% 2C1303% 2C855% 2C83 & edge = 1% 20% 20border =% 200% 20% 20alt =% 20They% 20the% 20horses 20turned%%% 20heads 20drove% 20and% 20in% 20the% 20direction 20pointed%% 20out% 20by% 20the% 20lady% 20When% 20they 20drew%%% 20nigh 20they 20saw%% 20% 20% 2F% 3E% 20% 2FA% 3E "

It contains one of the most captivating stories Gaelic I know: the "storyteller's misadventure" (see also my collection "The last song of the bard and Other Stories" for a French adaptation ).


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