Sunday, February 27, 2011

Expired License Military Ohio


Tabayous They were everywhere this weekend of 26 and 27 February. Besides the exit "relocated" to Hostens you could find them Bassens, Pujols Saucats. All distances from 5 to 24 km road trail! And more podium for a few!

Summary :

10 km Bassens :
Pascale 45'33 first V2
Patrick F . 45'44
Barjot Enduro Trail 24 km :
Magali 2 h 49 '11 "
Sylvie 3 h 28' 29"
Saucats 10 km Francis 41 ' 55 third V3
Saucats 5 km : Jacques 24'08
Monique 28'32 first V3
Maria Theresa 28'59 third V2
photos on Jogphoto33 and Courir33 .

Honda Xlr 125 Tuning Parts

WHEN TABAYOUS relocate ...

When Tabayous relocate their training, it also gives great time!
From 8 pm to 30 appointments were taken at our guests Maria Theresa and Jacques , all crowned with their new title of grandparents with the arrival of Elena . Congratulations to the whole family!
Branch of the leisure ' Hostens .
Brigitte rode his mountain bike riders plunged into jog in the woods around the lake. Cultural minute with President which made us a little lecture on the constitution of the said lake, and Didier that (s') displayed his knowledge, showing a very realistic and visual, the French expression, "take (a) root" ...
Finally, an output of just over 1 h 30 on soft ground, with nice bumps. 3 'of rain, cool temperatures but ideal for running.
Back at our hosts for a hearty meal. Again, no cases of dehydration have been reported ...
A relocation could bring others? The photos
is HERE.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wikipedia Tonsil Cancer

Word of Micheline!

Objects For Masterbation

Games Soulac 20 Hours - June 25, 1979

games in 20 Hours Soulac. Guests: Yves Lecocq, Juliet Mills and Bernard Lavalette. Bonus: Hello Macha Pub France Inter and ad programs FR3 by Anne Lefebure.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Implant Bleeding 8 Days Before Period


An event this Saturday, February 19 and 3 Tabayous departure: the 10 km Omits - Donzac Patrick D . (38'03 ") 3rd V2, Pascale (48'40") 2nd and V2 Patrick F. (48'41 "). Commentary and picture it:
" very pleasant afternoon without rain! A key two podiums and a ham for more DARCHOUNET from the lottery. Very nice hilly course. "

(Photo: Running 33)

(Photo: Running 33)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Best Support Hose For Women


... and well Tabayous continue to run! In the absence of
Coaches (injured and / or sick) this Thursday night, the dozen Tabayous made this an output of 1 h 20 'on a course chosen by Bernard F ., The all under the leadership of Rene that motivated his cronies.
Boys, good news: the heating is working again in the locker room that we were kindly let the girls ...
well soon everyone!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Desert Eagles Gold On Sale

Extracts from the bottom of the drawer

Monday, February 14, 2011

Average Bmi Of Americans

Po po po po ... pop art!

Robert Castel by Andy Warhol

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Are There Any Stimulants In Miucinex D

Your Valentine card!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Rome Total War Play On After Victory

The Games of Summer - La Grande Motte 1982

Presentation Solness Jacques, Jean-Pierre Descombes and Master Capello - Guests: Maurice Favières, Agnès and Pierre Doris - Invited varieties: Cassie

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Red Stockings Red Heels

we enjoy!

Sunday at the extreme Trail Grand Brassac (46 km, 6 h 01 '28 "), Francis conducted a excellent performance, finishing even the first of its kind. He regaled on this event! But no reward, only scratch the ranking is taken into account.
Tonight, after the session we split celebrated this success by taking advantage of excellent pancakes cooked by Micheline ! It was our turn to entertain us! All accompanied by a good cider course! Encore bravo Francis and thank you Micheline !

Monday, February 7, 2011

Curry Chicken Chinese Food Calories


Belle participation of our riders this Sunday, February 6 at "The Cestadaise" . 8 and 16 km to the program.
Lionel :
"A dozen Tabayous on this trail in the fog.
route in reverse from Last year, a minute more for everyone. Monique first V3 with Didier as hare. First 16 km Genevieve. "
Jacques :
" Very good trail or Tabayous behaved well. Note the podium by Patrick D. Monique and the invincible. These two are regulars rewards. The others did not unworthy. Good performance and Pascale Genevieve progressing, progressing ... "

results: 16 km Patrick D. second V2 1.06.21 / 1.20.17 Gerard / Patrick F 1.23.30 / Pascale 25.01.1954 / 01.25.1956 Thierry / Genevieve 1.33.40
8 km Rene 34'33 fourth V2 / Bernard B. 34'45 5th V2 / Lionel 35'36 / Jacques 38'00 / 45'16 Monique first V3 / Didier 45'20

Photo Album of Jacques and Jacques de JogPhoto 33, click on the picture:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Types Of Business Agreements


"On Saturday, February 26 Maria Theresa organizes an outing to run in Hostens . Parcours very flexible only on roads, takes about 1:30, unique look of 10km / h group not to get lost in the woods. After the effort, comfort, with an aperitif at La Brede, followed by a meal at a restaurant near La Brede. Register with Marie-Therese , last time Tuesday, February 22. Opportunity to accompany riders on mountain bikes or hybrid bikes. "